About Me

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Aimee--I am now working! I have a great job as the Publications Secretary for a local Methodist church, and it is a wonderful part-time occupation. I am still kind of keeping up with my eBay business re-selling quality women's clothing--got to sell off the inventory! I love being a Christian and being with Christians...I love that this world is not the final state of things... Nate--Just call me Mr. Arkansas. I'm an Arkansas fan. I love the Hogs, I love the towns, I love the woods, I love THE ROCK. First and foremost I love God and the home and wife He has given me. I love the Bible study where I lead worship and teach on occassion. To find out more . . . Check out da Blog!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

...phi, chi, psi, omega!

~Posted by Aimee~

Yay! Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon...I can say (and write) the Greek alphabet! Last night was our first class with Dr. Zemek at church in "Baby Greek." Nate wants me to take the class to keep him accountable, and in the process, I think I might even learn something. Nate has already taken a year of Greek at college, but felt he needed a refresher before taking one of the more advanced classes. As long as he doesn't think I am taking those classes with him as well...;).
I am trying to avoid the temptation to treat this blog as an online diary--not much changes day-to-day here so mostly what I think about writing is internal. But if anything exciting or interesting happes, I will be sure to post it for our many admiring fans (that is you if you are reading this!) :-D.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

armadillos, county courthouses, and a great lunch

Hey! This is Nate! The "N" part of the Chronicles. I figured the best way to introduce myself to the rest of the world (which, I'm certain, is very interested in knowing me), would be to talk a little bit about my current life in Arkansas. Three main strands inhabit my day to day activities. That would be Armadillos, County Courthouses, and the everlasting search for a great place to eat lunch. I am convinced that I have found the greatest job in the world. I work for a company that invests in property throughout most of the United States. When they are interested in purchasing vacant property in the area (like, all over Arkansas, and sometimes Mississippi), my job is to perform due dilligence by obtaining a plat map, talking to locals about the land, taking pictures of the land, and telling them more than they ever wanted to know about Arkansas (which, by the way, is the single greatest state in the union). My average assignment puts about 300 miles on my car, shows me 12 armadillos, and provides me with a sometimes great lunch; the best of which, so far, has been at the Fajita Hill Diner in Camden, Arkansas. I was fortunate enough to snap a quick photo of this armadillo just before it attacked me. At least, I thought it was attacking me. You see, armadillos don't run. They leap. I should have had my camera on video. The varmint (I know, and Armlydo is technically not a varmint) turned and started taking two and a half foot leaps straight toward me (the photo is from about 15 feet away zoomed in and cropped down). For a moment, I had images of a little armadillo gnawing into the shin of my levis, I mean, what would an armadillo attack really do to me? It turns out, the armadillo actually was running towards me because its home was in front of me. It dived under a rock about six feet in front of me and I never saw it again. I felt bad for scaring it. It should feel bad for scaring me. Or is that my fault? Anyway, if you know of a great place to eat lunch in Rural Arkansas, It'd be great to start compiling a list. Leave a comment and let me know where to eat!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

a little update

It's snowing!! Pretty little white flakes...probably won't amount to anything...the 7-year-old I babysit is loving it!

That's what I get for bragging about the weather! And they say the same thing down here as in New England..."Don't like the weather? Just wait a while...it will change."

...didn't know I was living in the jungle...

Ah...Arknasas....This is for you Maine folk...It has been consistently 65 to 72 degrees out almost every day so far this "winter." And I am lovin' it! It is better than California, however...about as better as a lush tropical oasis is to the desert. Check out the bamboo growing within feet of my apartment! Lovely!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

costume party green!

Since there is still some catching up to do, I am backing up a few months...(by the way, on the 28th of this month, I will have been married for 8 months! crazy! At church we are still "the newlyweds.") Our Bible study had a costume party around the end of October...this costume was my brainchild. Fun, but messy. And eating finger food with green fingers is not too fun! Can you guess who?

And don't forget to check out the link to my church's site, if you are one of the Maine folk! There is an excellent sermon by Dr. Bruce Ware of Southern Theological Seminary (he visited our church on Sunday) that you can download in Mp3 format there, as well as other excellent sermons by Lance Quinn, our pastor-teacher.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

and I just realized

When we buy a house I can just post pictures of it on this site. A lot faster than emailing them...

sad tree story...

So...we were so excited (at least I was!) about our "first Christmas" that as soon as we got back from California, I made Nate rush out and buy a Christmas tree. Trying to save money, we bought it at Walmart. This was not a good idea. 20 days later we were taking down the tree, amid a shower of needles (which it had been shedding in abundance with the slightest touch for a week and a half). The sad part about taking down the tree?--It was Christmas Eve!!

Literally, there was a pile of needles so deep under the tree that we were scooping them up with the dustpan and throwing them away. Some of the presents were buried!

Monday, January 09, 2006

how fond I am of my wedding pictures

...just before "Announcing Mr. and Mrs."...I love my Maid of Honor!

Ok, so eveyone is driven crazy by Nana's "camera-craziness?!" This one shows it paid off...

new to this...

Welcome!! Surely I am not the first tentative blogger, my fingers taking those first baby steps into the world of ecommunication, to post a disclaimer. So, thus:
1. I am not sure that I will be aconsistent, somewhat consistent, or even semi-consistent blogger. I feel that there is not much in my life that the world at large will be too interested in...
2. All content in this blog is 100% free of any guarantees that it will be interesting, entertaining, amusing, or even enough to keep you awake...do not read late at night (if you have a laptop like I do, of which the sole aspiration is to become a space heater, you may awake with flaming sheets!).