About Me

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Aimee--I am now working! I have a great job as the Publications Secretary for a local Methodist church, and it is a wonderful part-time occupation. I am still kind of keeping up with my eBay business re-selling quality women's clothing--got to sell off the inventory! I love being a Christian and being with Christians...I love that this world is not the final state of things... Nate--Just call me Mr. Arkansas. I'm an Arkansas fan. I love the Hogs, I love the towns, I love the woods, I love THE ROCK. First and foremost I love God and the home and wife He has given me. I love the Bible study where I lead worship and teach on occassion. To find out more . . . Check out da Blog!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Catching Up...

WoW! I can't believe it's the middle of August already!! July was a whirl of activity--I am just going to post a few pictures that represent the last few weeks:
For most of July, I was busy constructing costumes for our church's VBS production of Pilgrim's Progress. Late nights bending over the sewing machine have left me with a permanently stiff back that is just now beginning to subside. But we had a wonderful cast of teens from the youth group. Here is a picture of some of the costumes from Day 2, which was by far my hardest day--I had to put together and coordinate 15 separate costumes for that day (that may not sound like much--unless you know how little I had to start with).

At the end of July, I celebrated the last birthday of my 20's and was so proud of the cake, I took a picture. :o) I've never made a round cake that looked any good before. It looks kinda lopsided in the picture, but it really wasn't.

After VBS was over for the week, Nate and I headed off to Memphis to pick up Joanna, who flew down from Maine leaving her husband for a week just to visit me. We had a lot of fun! It was good to visit, since we hadn't seen each other for over a year--since her wedding last May.

The last night she was here, Gene and Linda treated us to a performance of Singin' In the Rain at Murry's Dinner Theater--it was my birthday gift. Jo loved it!


Toplovs said...

Happy Birthday. I think the cake is well done. I'm just curious to know if you also gave yourself a gift (the one wrapped in the picture). =)

Nate and Aimee said...

Actually, Nate gave me the gift. It just matched the cake. :o)

the Indian woman said...

Hey Aimee!! Did you ever get the message that Cameron left you on your phone for your b'day? Did you get the card I mailed? Any way, I'm glad to see the update and that Joanna visited you. I'm 34 weeks and three days pregnant.