About Me

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Aimee--I am now working! I have a great job as the Publications Secretary for a local Methodist church, and it is a wonderful part-time occupation. I am still kind of keeping up with my eBay business re-selling quality women's clothing--got to sell off the inventory! I love being a Christian and being with Christians...I love that this world is not the final state of things... Nate--Just call me Mr. Arkansas. I'm an Arkansas fan. I love the Hogs, I love the towns, I love the woods, I love THE ROCK. First and foremost I love God and the home and wife He has given me. I love the Bible study where I lead worship and teach on occassion. To find out more . . . Check out da Blog!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Almost moved! Pictures to come...

We have a house!! YaY! For most of September, we have been slowly moving in (loading up as many boxes as our little Aveo can hold, driving them to the house, driving back, loading up more boxes...you get the picture) We only have a few boxes of random essentials and all of our "big" (i.e. can't fit in the Aveo) furniture left. The electricians spent most of last week installing some upgrades and I painted the guest bathroom. That room still needs a lot of work--we have to tile the floor, re-set the toilet, and buy a new sink/vanity as well as install some shelves. Something tells me we might still be working on it when we move completely in (our apartment lease expires this weekend so we have to be out). I am excited about the front room as well--as soon as we get settled, we are going to take a weekend to remove all the old carpet and Nate's dad has generously given us enough tile and hardwood to re-do the floor! It will be tile entry squares by the doors and hardwood on the rest. I am pressing pretty hard to just tile the kitchen while we are at it. ;-)

Just so this entry doesn't remain pictureless, here is one of Nate on his 27th birthday (he is a bit younger than me, but I am not going to say by how much!). I made him a huge brownie rather than a cake, and banana pudding rather than ice cream--that is what he wanted! The cake came out rather sad (the decorating, anyway) but it took me the good part of an afternoon to make it look just that good!
And I can't resist putting a picture of the lovely roses my sweet husband brought home to me last week. I had a terrible day with a horrible toothache and babysitting a fussy baby, so he surprised me with these:

They stayed fresh and pretty until yesterday, but even then, I found a way to arrange them artistically:

Oh, and here is a picture of our little "moving truck" for Mom. :-D


The Toplovs said...

Congratulations on being first-time home owners. Your place sounds really nice (once the tile and hardwood go in) and I bet you will have lots of fun decorating! I am indeed looking forward to pictures, especially the 'before' and 'after' kind.

Oh and you did a really great job on Nate's cake.

Savage Farmers said...

OK, kiddo-I registered so I can now comment! Love the car! And am really pleased for you two! God has been very good to you both, and I praise Him for His working in your lives!
Keeping you in my prayers-Mom
How do you like my blogger name? Original, huh.